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Blue Nights

306 beoordelingen


4uur 21min


Blue Nights

306 beoordelingen


4uur 21min


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Cover for Blue Nights
Cover for Blue Nights


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  • Evita

    22 apr 2022


    Didion writes about the complexities of motherhood and seeing herself and her child grow older. She tells us about the tumultuous feelings she had about raising her child. About how it feels to be old in a society that sees the elderly as invalid.In our society the highest sin is to fail in motherhood so many do not even dare to question the status quo. Didion asks question I think a lot of women struggle with but don't dare to share. "What if I can't love my baby?" She tells us about raising her child that developt abandoned issues even when she tried as hardest as she could to love Quintana with her whole heart. Did she fail in motherhood?"How could she not see how much I needed her?"As someone with abandoned-issues myself this hit so close to home. It was like I was watching myself from the eyes of another.It talks about the problems of adopting a child. The feeling of being "found" not by the people who raised you, but the people who conceived you.I don't have a child, nor pl